
Sunday 30 June 2013

Freebooter's Fate Painting Challenge

First new post on here for a while, but hopefully there will be an increase in activity over the next month or so as I launch into a new Painting Challenge.

If you have read my Pulp Citizen blog (click for link), you may recall that I have gone in for a few Painting Challenges, and they are useful for focusing my wandering attention I find.

Well recently I have taken the plunge into getting some of the gorgeous Freebooters Fate minis (settling on the Brotherhood as I like the assassin aesthetic), and my main gaming buddy Rob has some Pirates - so the only left was to ensure we get around to painting them.

Consequently we have decided to set July as our Freebooters Fate Painting Challenge! The goal is simple: paint one mini per week to create a Crew of at least 4 minis by the end of the month. Now with the speed Rob paints at, I suspect he will be fine, but hopefully I will deliver on my end of the Challenge.

The deadlines are each Sunday - the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th, so stay tuned!