
Thursday 3 November 2016

Quarter 3 2016 Painting Summary

My usual quarterly summary is almost a month late - shows how much I have been preoccupied with not feeling the painting mojo!

The funny thing is that it is my best quarterly output in almost 4 years of monitoring what I paint!

Between July to September I painted 21 minis across 5 ranges, so hopefully living up to the 'eclectic' title, even if only a little. One of those ranges was my first toe-dipping into Knight Models' Marvel range (MUMG). which I hope to add to in the next few months (I am far from a playable team for the game yet). I am especially pleased to have painted a fair few Pulp City models in the quarter, taking me way beyond my original target for the range this year.

I also managed 6 games in the quarter, some in preparation for a tournament in October which I did quite well in...

In all, despite my feeling of painting malaise at times, on reflection it was actually a pretty productive period hobby wise.

Painted in Q3 (+4 from Q3 2016)
Pulp City: 8 minis
BMG: 8 minis
MUMG: 3 minis
Malifaux: 1 mini
Other: 1 mini (Wolsey)