
Thursday 12 June 2014

Blasted Terrace & Ruined Fountain

Blasted Terrace
The Blasted Terrace and Ruined Fountain by Gale Force Nine are ready to play straight out of the box. Both can act as centre-piece type scenery in of themselves, but equally both should substitute well for hills, having the right kind of profile to achieve that.

The Blasted Terrace (BB556) was a birthday gift from my best mate and frequent gaming buddy Rob, and a cool addition to the array of scenery I have. I see it as functioning like any typical medium size hill in most games, having a nice profile to block line of sight for human size models.

Ruined Fountain
I bought the Ruined Fountain (BB553) for myself as an extra option and variation. The footprint would make it a small to medium size hill equivalent.

Like the rest of the Battlefield in a Box range they are solidly designed and cast, and neatly painted. The Ruined Fountain has the bonus of the water feature of course. I think that GF9's attention to quality is very good.

In my opinion, based on quality and usefulness, I think they are fine value at around £18-20 GBP.

As with the recent Terrain series of posts, the figures used for scale are:
Crimson Oni (Pulp City)
Azriel (Anima Tactics)
Red Skull (What The? Miniatures)


  1. Replies
    1. They should see some use soon, so maybe watch for some in-game pics on one of blogs in the near future. :)

  2. That ruined fountain is superb. I think I need to investigate pre-finished terrain a bit more

    1. For me it simply down to too many demands on time not leaving enough time for all the painting, gaming and modeling IO would like to do, so any short-cuts that i can tolerate I worth it. :)

  3. They certainly look the business to me.

    1. I think all the GF9 stuff i have picked up has been excellent quality and is highly recommended.

  4. They look great and would be very useful in many games.

    1. Agreed.

      While they have a slight WH40K vibe, and that makes sense for the market of course, I can see a number of sci-fi and fantasy style setting they could work for.

  5. Those are some great terrain pieces.

  6. Love these terrain pieces, great work!

  7. I can't lay claim to work except in buying them. :)

    The GF9 stuff is great though IMHO.
