
Sunday 26 October 2014

Zomtober 2014 (Week 4)

The final deadline is met! This minis was finished yesterday, but was actually started sometime last year but left unfinished until now, mainly because I was struggling with the orange. I am not as satisfied with the orange colour on this as I was with the last of the orange triad I painted (see post here). Nonetheless it is finished and that is the main thing, even if it is far from my best painting. Definitely one to hang around the back ranks of the horde!

The mini clean up was poor on my part, but the casting was a little rougher than I am used to with Studio Miniatures; however it is what it is.

Still, I have achieved all my Zomtober deadlines this year, and I am pleased with that. More importantly, It has also prompted me to paint a couple of non-Zeds (here and here) this month, so that has been very pleasing. The ranks of the Zombies have been swelled a little more, although calling it a horde is being generous I suppose!

I have one more mini that I did some work on today, in between modules for an E-Learning course that has a looming deadline, so I may have a bonus Zed before the end of the month, time permitting.

Most importantly, well done to everyone who has participated in Zomtober 2014; it has been great to see everyone's productivity. :)


  1. Another good addition to the completed pile mate!

    1. Thanks Simon. It was a bit rushed 9(hough not as much as Week 2!), but has photographed okay, probably making it look better than it is! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks PMMDJ.

      Thanks to Zomtober I have painted 6 minis so far this month, compared to 8 in the preceding 3 months. :)

  3. It's all meat for the horde. Nice one.

    1. Thanks Keiron. I plan to do a small 'horde' shot soon, so hopefully I will have a better sense of they look collectively then. :)

  4. Thanks Pulp for hosting this event! That's the beauty of Zombies, you don't have to worry so much about the details as they will be covered in gore anyway!
    Still a fine addition to your Zombie Herd.

    1. Cheers Terry. Simon, Rob and me are really chuffed that Zomtober has been embraced by so many once again. :)

  5. Well done that man, another great addition.

  6. They all count dude! Well done.

    1. Thanks Bob, and I think you are right; the next one (I hope to finish within a couple of days) is one of the worst sculpts in my collection, so being done will be the main thing there. :)

  7. Very nice. The orange looks good to me.

  8. really nice work, puts my zombies to shame

    1. Thanks for those kind words Fred, i am sure it isn't true though. :)

  9. Very impressive addition to your growing horde and well done hitting the Zombtober deadlines !

  10. Well done! Still this last week though or so I thought?

    (I still have two zeds to finish....)

    1. Thanks Dai.

      As for the deadline, well the end of the month is still a few days away so you have plenty of time for final bits. :)
