
Sunday 3 February 2019

Moss Man

Moss Man is the latest in my very sporadic Masters of the Universe (MotU) Project. With much of 2018 focused on developing my own range of minis, painting took something of  back seat to those preparations. I wanted an easy win to get my 2019 painting started (a month late no less!), so this sculpt of Moss Man from Quest Miniatures fit that bill.

Unfortunately Moss Man is not sculpted by the same person who did the first dozen or so MotU minis from Quest, so it looks a little static in comparison as well as having a different sculpting style. In addition, it is possibly half a head short compared to the rest of the line, and I wish it had the action figure's mace.

Nonetheless, tackling Moss Man made for a quick paint job all told as I went for something basic, with some washes, dry-brushing and picked out highlights, and that means I can tick another off the 'to be painted' list.

With my current painting being so sporadic I am not committing to a He-Month like last year as I dismally failed to meet my own expectations; instead I will paint more MotU-related minis as I get the motivation.

Moss Man is an ancient good of nature in MotU lore, so I have tried to reflect that in the rules I have written for my personal rules set. To find out more about the rules, or other fan-made creations, feel free to look me up on Facebook.


  1. Mossman looks great! Far better than the Studio paintjob they did.

    1. Cheers mate. :)

      With a bit more surface detail to pick out it could have come out better, but it is what it is. :)

  2. Looks great. I agree that he’s not really in the same league as the rest of the line, but he’s not terrible and your excellent paint job on the fur really helps. I’m planning to use a Reaper Bigfoot for my Mossman.

    1. Cheers Kieron. :)

      I think I know the mini you mean and i wasn't totally convinced by it since it uses the classic Bigfoot walking pose which just doesn't seem 'right' to me.

  3. Maybe not the greatest sculpt, but the brushwork is top notch 🙂

  4. The painting looks great! I would have liked to see a more "savage" take on him by the sculptor, but this isn't bad.

    1. Thanks Dr M. I think the sculpt is missing a few things (mace, mein, some extra mossy detail, and a bit of height - a missed opportunity IMHO).

  5. I suspect that many gardeners will have a hard time thinking of moss as a "good guy" :-) . Still, the figure looks nice (and it's hard to judge any size issues without any point of reference).

    1. Thanks Hugh. :)

      I will try and do a line-up pic soon.

  6. Static as he is, he still looks great when painted up as you have done.

  7. The green you used for his fur/moss is way better than the brighter one from the picture. He may be a somewhat static, but with the paintjob you did he still looks great.

  8. great paint job.
    knowing me id be the jerk who would flock the miniature just like the original toy figure was.
    overall great work!

    1. Thanks Mr Martin. :)

      It may be worth trying the flock approach. :)
