
Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Quarter 3 2014 Painting Summary

A few days later than preferable, but not quite as late as the last one. :)

Quarter 3 was not as productive as either Q1 or Q2 unfortunately, but I am hoping to recover some lost ground in the next Quarter since I will have finished my course by then (barring any resubmissions I guess!). So I may achieve 40 minis as I thought setting out; anything above that would be a bonus. Zomtober should help to that end of course! There should also be a better balance of minis in the next couple of months with Zombies, Batman Miniatures Game and Pulp City minis in the queue, as well as an accumulation of Anima Tactics.

Left column, top to bottom

Middle column

Right column


  1. Quality not quantity is what counts the most! Your paintwork is very high quality!

  2. I can only second what Vampifan said dude!

  3. Indeed they are all great and that is still a fair few despite real life taking up more time than usual.

    1. Cheers mate. Hopefully some of them will get some game time soon. :)

  4. You still have more painted now than a quarter ago, and that's what matters!

    Something we've done is broken down models into a "painting points system", whiere 25-30mm models are one point, 40's are 2, 50's and 60's are four, and anything bigger is ten. It seems to help push us to get larger models (or baring that, more smaller ones) done. Give it a shot! Can't wait to see your Zombtober model this week!

    1. Good way of putting it Second Class Elitist about being further along than I was. :)

      I may think about the pints idea, you never know. :)

      Did some brushwork this week, and should have plenty of time this weekend. :)
