I struggled painting this guy, I have to admit, and so I am really glad he is finished. Unfortunately the pictures are some of the worst I have taken for a while, so please forgive me that; I totally accept I am no great shakes when it comes to pics, but these were all dull and needed lots of correction.
What finishing Deadshot really means is that I now have a few options for the Poison Ivy crew, so I really need to get cracking on another crew to allow me to host games for (currently) non-player buddies; I have whittled down those options to 3 choices in the near future:
- Watchmen - pro: I have Rorschach painted already which gives me a start; con: they will probably have the most unique play-style since they don't have Leaders or Henchmen. I would need to paint 4 minis.
- Batman heroes - pro: I think I could put together a formidable quartet of characters so low model count; con: low model count can be a handicap from I understand. I would need to paint 4 minis for this option.
- Villain crew - pro: I have 'spare' Free Agents amounting to around 185 Reputation; con the number of models to paint. I think I would be looking at a new Leader, and a Sidekick and/or Henchmen for better synergy and game options.