
Sunday, 22 February 2015


Another BMG mini painted, as I hone my crew for the Titan Games tournament in March. Deadshot was picked for the crew purely on the reading-up I have been doing about the character in-game - he seems to be a bit of a ranged attack beasts, and that suits me fine.  I have yet to play the game, but I am always a gamer first, so therefore wanted at least a couple of solid options (Deadshot and Solomon Grundy) in my crew. From the comic books, Deadshot is a character I have enjoyed reading about for many, many years, so that does not hurt either!

I struggled painting this guy, I have to admit, and so I am really glad he is finished. Unfortunately the pictures are some of the worst I have taken for a while, so please forgive me that; I totally accept I am no great shakes when it comes to pics, but these were all dull and needed lots of correction.

What  finishing Deadshot really means is that I now have a few options for the Poison Ivy crew, so I really need to get cracking on another crew to allow me to host games for (currently) non-player buddies; I have whittled down those options to 3 choices in the near future:

  1. Watchmen - pro: I have Rorschach painted already which gives me a start; con: they will probably have the most unique play-style since they don't have Leaders or Henchmen. I would need to paint 4 minis.
  2. Batman heroes - pro: I think I could put together a formidable quartet of characters so low model count; con: low model count can be a handicap from I understand. I would need to paint 4 minis for this option.
  3. Villain crew - pro: I have 'spare' Free Agents amounting to around 185 Reputation; con the number of models to paint. I think I would be looking at a new Leader, and a Sidekick and/or Henchmen for better synergy and game options.
BMG Painting Summary
BMG characters owned: 66 (added the other Poison Ivy)
Percentage of owned characters painted: 15.2% (10 models)


  1. Looking good mate.

    Go for a Batman force. It is a good choice to get people to try it out. "Dude...You can be Batman!"

    1. Cheers for. :)

      Bats could be the way to go - I will decide in the next few days. :)

  2. Great looking paintjob dude! The Watchmen would be a great gang to run.

    1. Thanks Bob. :)

      I think I am leaning somewhere between Watchmen and Batman right now. :)

  3. Looks really good (despite your fears about the pics). Deadshot's run-and-gun style will also offset some of the lack of mobility the plants bring.

    I'd say Batman, mainly fir the reason above. However, the low model count can be countered by the fact that the Bat-family are extremely mobile. However, they will struggle to put enemies out of the game due to only inflicting stun damage.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Kieron. :)

      I think I will decide this week (I have a few Bat-family assembled as well as all of the Watchmen and a few other bits and pieces).

  4. I think you've done a great job on him, looks tremendous to me. I've tempted by this range myself, but have been put off recently by someone say that they require a lot of putting together and pinning, was this an issue?

    1. Thanks Michael. :)

      The greatest issue I have with the range is what I feel is an unnecessary number of parts. Deadshot was fine as he is one-piece IIRC, as as quite a few in the range, but there are others cut into 2, 3 or more pieces. A recent example is the Poison Ivy available on her own; the head is separate as are both arms, yet one of those arms is designed to be assembled in a relatively flat plane. Since they are sculpted a particular way, there is little to be gained from the separate head and the particular arm. I also don't tend to pin their stuff due to the very small contact areas.

    2. Thanks for that, I have to say that I'm awfully tempted - quite fancy a penguin crew!

    3. Glad to be a help. :)

      Caveat emptor though - I DO think they have quality control issues at times. Many buyers have no problems whatsoever, but a few of us evidently have had some poor casts from time to time, and of those few a small few have experienced quite a number of sloppy casts. It seems very much luck of the draw. More seem okay than not, and the IP trumps what I have personally experienced in the QC area, but if this range was not connected to DC comics IP, then I would not still be buying. And the QC extends to the number of game cards that have required corrections/errata, often quite soon after release. For a premium product, their QC is not what I would hope for, but as I say,on balance I carry on due to the what the range is. That said, as I note, maybe I take a more critical eye on the matter because quiet simply I think they could do better than they are. :)

  5. Looks great dude nice job! Pics look great :)

    1. Cheers mate. :)

      Now to get them into a game or two... :)
