
Saturday 28 January 2017

Green Goblin

Another SMG mini painted, my first non-Henchman, and thankfully this one went from contemplation to completion pretty quickly! Even better, it is my sixth mini of the month (along with a couple of Pulp City minis).

The reason for the sudden motivation to paint Green Goblin was to play a larger Rep-value game using the Goblin Cult against a Suicide Squad crew played by Simon as soon as possible. With Green Goblin and the Goblin Minions done, I now just need to paint Goblin Knight. It should be a weird and very much asymmetrical game, so will hopefully be a lot of fun. 400 Rep will allow Simon more freedom to pick some 'big gun' characters, and it looks like some big hitters will be on show, not least Deathstroke, Green Goblin and Goblin Knight.

In game terms Green Goblin clocks in at 200 Rep, way beyond any BMG character (the current highest Rep character is 150 for Arkham Knight and Batpod Batman(s). Whether he is worth it will remain to be seen! What you get for that 200 Rep is a lot of Endurance (10 points), a lot of Traits, along with Strength 2+, and enough ammo for 10 shots during a game (he will never actually be able to use all his ammo in fact)! Most importantly, like all of the (admittedly not very many) Goblin Cult characters, Green Goblin has Flight, which is something which will take some getting to grips with I think.

I do wish they had added a couple more options per SMG faction (Elektra could have been obvious and easy to do with Affinity: Daredevil, and some thing for Venom and Doctor Octopus since all three had minis casts up with rules done for two of them at least), but it looks like that ship has sailed unfortunately.

SMG Painting Summary
SMG characters owned: 15
Percentage of owned characters painted: 46.7% (7 models)


  1. Great stuff PulpCitizen, and its such a shame that "Knight Models" have moved on to other things having tantalised us with the option of DC vs Marvel battles. I especially like the smoke and NMM on the glider.

    1. Thanks very much mate. :)

      I think BMG and probbaly DCUMG will be here to stay, but that MUMG and especially SMG is going the way of the dodo, but I could be wrong.

      I have Elektra and so will be painting her up to go with my SMG stuff, that is for certain.

  2. That's cool. I won't add to your comments on SMG, suffice to say a ball was definitely dropped.

    1. Cheers mate. :)

      As for SMG, a big ball dropped, and a lack of strategic thinking on KM's part as far as I am concerned. It was never going to be able to make headway priced at KM's direct only pricing, with no published book, no access through retailers until recently, and with a lack of ongoing releases.

  3. Oh, I'm a big fan of this guy!Since 1995 :)

    1. I have gotten to appreciate the character more in recent years, but one I enjoyed painting, so I hope I enjoy playing him just as much. :)

  4. Cracking job dude. Looks forward to facing them all!

    1. Cheers mate. Hopefully I won't get stuck on Goblin Knight. :)

  5. What a cool model, very dynamic and with quite a few opportunities for painting techniques.
    The smoke and glider are amazing.
    One thing which strikes me as a bit strange is the different kind of green for the face. But as the rest of the green is armour it makes sense too.
    A top job!

    1. Thanks Wouter. :)

      The choice on the green was conscious; due to colouring techniques it has made sense for the green to be the same in comics, but when I approached painting it a latex mask needed a slightly different feel than scale armour. Well spotted! :)

  6. Never really liked the Green Goblin but as for your paint job ... I am a fan ^_^
