
Tuesday 11 April 2017

Fortune (SHOC Force)

Fortune is the third member of SHOC Force I have now painted, almost two and half years after completing Oculus and Razorclaw. Like the other members of the Team the mini is produced by Nexus Miniatures.

With the model I wanted to achieve a kind of generalised 'East Asian' skin tone, but I am not sure how successful that was. The rest of the colour scheme follows the pattern of the SHOC Force uniform template.

Like his Team-mates, Fortune is an Unhuman, one of a secret off-shoot of humanity gifted with amazing powers. In Fortune's case he can manipulate probability to a degree, in order to create plausible shifts in the likelihood of events. In terms of direct power, Fortune is possibly the 'weakest' member of SHOC Force, but he is nonetheless vital to their successes.


  1. Looks great dude. I must pull my finger out and get some more of my own done.

    1. Cheers mate. :)

      I look forward to seeing them. :)

  2. What a great character and lovely work too.

    1. Thanks a lot Michael. I do kind of wish there were more minis in the specific sub-range to match this group. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Think rabbits foot meets a black cat with a banana skin! :)

  4. Cool concept! If I could pick a superpower, probability control would certainly make the top 5 (although the prospect of lobbing a car at someone will always mean that telekinesis gets the number one slot).

    I'm curious though. How did someone able to control the outcome of events lose an eye?

    1. Cheers Tom. :)

      As for the lost eye, well I imagine that when his Unhuman powers were unleashed, that had something to do with it....

    2. It figures. Lose an eye, and gain a new way of seeing at the world. Five dimensionally. Poetic really. I just thought on the face of things, he might have seen it coming. ;0).

      Then again, if every possible outcome of the event that cost him his eye, resulted in the loss of his eye (and possibly worse); then he was always going to lose his eye regardless.. And possibly I'm over-thinking this. :0D.

    3. I like the first way of looking at it, combined with an inevitability of his injury, which then led to his gaining powers and freed him to side-step future inevitability. :)

  5. Very nice! Always good to get a team together on the tabletop.

    1. Cheers Jamie. :)

      I hope to pull together at least 4 Teams for SU under my Super-Earth project:

  6. He looks like an oldschool sculpt.
    His suit in particular is very well done.

    1. Thanks Wouter. :)

      Re: the sculpting, definitely an old school vibe about it - the company (Nexus) seems to have shifted to CAD sculpting and how that turns out in final casts remains to be seen for me at least, but will mean a different feel for their stuff. I am only picking up specific parts of the Nexus range.

  7. At the rate my hair is whitening I will soon look like your painted miniature here sans the eyepatch of course. ^_^ Good stuff as usual!

  8. Cheers FourEyedMonster. :)

    My greys have started too in recent years!
