
Saturday 15 October 2011

Big/Boss Zombie (1)

Painted as part of the beginnings of my planned walking dead horde. This mini is from Tengu Models from their selection of boss-type Zeds. The mini came with integral base (which is something I hate on the whole, I have to say), but Tengu very thoughtfully made it a thin disc so a straight forwards matter to trim it off.

Click to embiggen pictures.

Painted with my usual recipe of Vallejo Green-Grey as a base skin tone, highlighted with increasing addition of Basic Skin Tone. The skin was washed with thinned down Devlan Mud (GW). The base is by Fenris. I will be mounting 'regular' Zeds on 30mm bases, and Big or Boss Zeds on 40 mm bases.

Look for more zeds in the coming days and months. Several featured in a Battle report that I will be posting soon on the Pulp Citizen.

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