
Saturday 15 October 2011

Zombie Mime

This Zed was painted pretty quickly (and it probably shows!) amid my Zombie painting frenzy of sorts during September.

Click to embiggen pictures as usual.

I really liked this characterful model the moment I saw it, and ordered one ages ago. Suffice it to say that it remained sat in my (ever-growing) Zombie-minis-mountain awaiting painting. Thankfully, said Zombie-minis-mountain shrank a little during September, and has yielded a number of painted and soon(ish) to be painted/completed zombies for my planned horde.

The mini is from Hasslefree (if I recall correctly) and is one of a number of their Zombie offerings.

My usual Zombie-skin-recipe was applied, and the black clothes were worked up from a base of Vallejo black-grey highlighted with lighter grey tones, and some thinned-down GW Badab Black wash. Mounted on a Fenris Games base.

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