
Friday 31 October 2014

Zomtober 2014 Bonus Mini!

Well, caught up with some retained Zomtober 2014 painting momentum, I have managed to crank out another shambling dead mini before the end of the month, which can be seen here. I started this one while working on the Week 4 entry, and of course it signals the start of another 'triad' (no doubt to be finished next year!).

This is not a favourite sculpt for me; the big hands and other flaws ensure that I am afraid.

I am not sure of the manufacturer - possibly Cold War Miniatures, but their site is under renovation so I cannot verify that.

Despite the flaws I find with the sculpt, it is another Zombie painted, and that means another body for the small horde. I hope I remember to get around to photographing the slowly growing mass at some point soon.

Zomtober 2014 has proved very useful for me, and the primary fruits of the month can be seen here together.

In all, I have painted 7 minis in the last month. From July to September I painted 8 minis in total, so getting a few things done this month has helped my mind set on the painting front, and aided getting minis finished for Anima Tactics too. That means I am looking forward to hopefully painting at least 5 - and hopefully more than 5 - minis over the next two months to maybe finish the year with a small flourish. Time will tell of course.

It has been great to see everyone's output who has participated in Zomtober 2014, hopefully each getting our own rewards by painting things we may have been putting off or need a nudge to do. The spirit and ethos of Zomtober is simple, and we made the only rule simple and manageable so that most painter-hobbyists could get something out of it if they have an interest in Zombie or Survivor minis.

Simon and I were discussing recently doing a summary of participants efforts, so hopefully we will get around to that; until then, once again, "Well done guys". :)

I know I will be back for Zomtober 2015, and I hope many of the same faces and new ones are too.


  1. I actually think this zombie looks like a very nice model indeed, though that could be because of your cracking paint job on it. Its nice to see the odd simple looking Zed simply shuffling about in his shirt. Lovely little model and very well painted.

    1. Thanks Blaxkleric; the more I look at it, the more it grows on me which is a surprise. :)

  2. A fabulous final flurry and another great Zomtiber draws to a close. Looking forward to 2015 already!

    1. Thanks Michael, and I am also looking forward to next year.

      The last two years' Zomtobers have been really helpful in reigniting my lost momentum, which for a hobbyist with low productivity like me, is a very good thing. Especially with the recent Studio Miniatures KS due between now and then.

  3. I like the way you painted his white shirt. Very subtle and effective.

    I enjoyed this (My first) Zomtober. If you advertise next year and I don't pipe up, please hit me up on my blog? I wouldn't want to miss out! :)

    1. Thanks for the kind words Dai.

      Really glad you joined us and we will put the word out next year. Well done on your own efforts and well done sneaking in some bonuses too. :)

  4. Nice job dude! Another great addition to the completed pile!

    1. Cheers mate. 20% growth in the horde this month! :)

  5. Great way to finish iff the challenge, every zed painted adds to the horde.

    1. Cheers Zabadak. Deadline challenges certainly help me get stuff finished, and Zomtober 2014 was no exception. :)

  6. You gotta love a bonus model dude.

    1. Thanks Bob. I had my heart set on getting the bonus done, but had to juggle it with turning around layout on a pictorial battle report which took a few hours this week. :)

  7. I love the face on this one but I agree the big hands don't do it for me.

    1. Cheers Robert. :)

      The hands are the weakest point for me.
