
Wednesday 5 November 2014

Zombie Groups (update)

In a recent Zomtober 2014 post I mentioned my approach of 'colour triads' for my Zombies; basically the upper body clothing of a set of 3 Zombie minis painted with a matching colour shade, or a set of thematically linked minis like Zombie cops. The idea being that it become a set of models that can be visually picked out easily if required. Basically the principle is ease of identification of sub-groups on the table. It could be used to identify special Zombies etc., depending on the type of game you are playing.

I initially started doing that for running the Zombies in previous edition Pulp City 'Invasion' scenarios, but as it has proven useful in finishing sets of 3 minis,

I have since carried the practice on, especially as it may aid in-game activations wherever they be used, as well as not looking unusual as the horde grows. Of course it is probably irrelevant for a lot of Zombie games, but it works for me, and it also makes choosing paint colours easier.

I have shown some previous Zombie Groups on the blog, and thought it was time for an update, with the 'green', 'orange' and 'black' triads.

I have started the 'white' group if you saw my Zomtober 2014 bonus post. I also plan to eventually paint up some Zombie religiously themed minis, and of course I need more Zombie Clowns for a set or two of those; note I said need there, not want - Zombie Clowns are the scariest of Zombies, hands down. So plenty of groups to tackle in the future!

Roll on Zomtober 2015!


  1. Those models are absolutely gorgeous, although it does feel like you may be on the top of a slippery slope of triads.

    1. Cheers Mike C.

      I can see a few more colour options (finish the whites; add grey and brown triads), as well as the theme options. I am so slow at a painting that running out of options does not seem scary... :)

  2. I like the idea of colour coordinated "groups" providing that you have a need for them, but it's nevertheless a speedy way to paint them up..
    These look very good too btw

    1. Cheers Zabadak. :)

      It can speed things up, and in the long run, they should still be easily lost in the 'mix' so to speak. :)

  3. Its good idea and if it allows you to paint more then even better. They look great to!

    1. Cheers mate. Glad to have painted more this year than last for Zomtober. :)
