Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Some Scenery Bits From The Pet Shop

The statues of Resurrection Island?
I picked these up in a buy two get the (cheapest) third free offer at Pets At Home. The three items came to less than £9 GBP, and are items for aquariums/aquaria.

They come with a couple of holes (for retail tags to feed through) which needed filling and so since they have needed a little green-stuffing, I will be repainting them. They are pictured with June Summers (Pulp City) to show scale.

The Easter Island heads (maybe Resurrection Island could be a 'location' in the southeastern Pacific Ocean?) will be painted a basic stone grey. I can see these used on Kodo Island (Pulp City), as well as for Pulp or Victoriana gaming, or maybe even sci-fi on some back-water planet.

Unusual rock formation
The rock formation interested me for the cover possibilities& with the aperture. That will be painted to match the Ziterdes Modular Gaming Table boards I picked up a couple of months ago. It will not be staying that colour, trust me!

Expect more pictures when they are painted.


  1. Nice finds! Pet stores are one of my favorite places to look for terrain too

  2. I like them. They scale well. cheep too.

  3. Those heads are excellent, what a terrific find, not too sure on the candy-rock, though a repaint will no doubt chnage it dramatically.

    1. I can visualize the rocks and think it will look suitable and suitably odd, but nonetheless should make an interesting gaming piece.

  4. Nice find they will look great once finished. Are you going to do a grey stone look?

    1. Grey stone look definitely for the heads/idols.

      The rock formation is going to be be very dark grey to match some Ziterdes MGT boards will be painting.

  5. Great find as they are normally so expensive.
