Wednesday 24 May 2017


I started painting Alfred before switching to Swamp Thing, but ended up finishing the latter first, and chose both simply because I am struggling to paint a couple of other minis (Damian Wayne/Robin and Killer Frost). I felt I needed to get something finished as the most important thing, and so I am pretty pleased to have finished both of these minis.

Alfred is a Henchman for Batman crews, but not one I envision using much as he is very much predicated on a support role. For his Reputation value his Medic and Business Agent abilities in particular are simply not enough to make me want to use him.

There has been a little controversy about how Knight Models marketed and made available the Alfred miniature. Originally it was pitched as an 'exclusive' miniature available to pre-orders of the original BMG core rule-book; later it appeared as an occasional tournament prize, and later still it was made more widely available through a couple of sales promotions. As a consequence there is no regular Alfred alternative on sale at this time, and Bat-fans lacking the mini but wanting a list with Alfred may need to wait until the next sales promotion.

In the next couple of weeks i hope to get another couple of BMG minis painted and retain some momentum if I can.

BMG Painting Summary
BMG characters owned: 280 (added: nothing)
Percentage of owned characters painted: 23.2% (67 models)


  1. What a great looking face! Beauty work!

  2. Well done on Alfred, always hard bringing something to life that is wearing a relatively sombre outfit.

    1. Thanks very much Michael. :)

      I hope the mix of two primarily dark colours are sufficiently distinguishable from each other.

  3. Wow! I didn't realise just how difficult this mini was to get as I think it was one of the first I ever bought? it must have come with a rule-book or something? Great paint-job and one which really isn't helping me stay away from the "BMG" :-)

    1. Thanks Blaxkleric. :)

      Yeah, the mini was first available with pre-orders of the core book when it came out.

  4. Your way to paint 'suits' is an example to is all. Well done!

    1. Thanks for the very kind words Wouter. :)

  5. Ahhhh ... now I see. So that's what you meant by the next one being normal. ^_^ For more realism you should have stuck an actual strand of hair on this scalp. :) Nice job!

    1. Thanks mate. :)

      As for the strand of hair, I have too little myself to deploy to Alfred! :)

  6. Very nicely done mate. Really love how the face has turned out. I suppose the fluffy reason for taking Alfred is so you don't have to take cops as henchmen. Especially in a Frank Miller batman crew.

    1. Cheers mate. :)

      I really cannot see him getting table time - he seems a Reputation-sink to be honest.
