Saturday 18 April 2015

Clown (Joker Henchman)

This Clown Henchman with Knife represents another BMG mini down, but this Joker Henchman is not the start of my next crew, instead he was started simply as some of the colours used matched my Blackgate Prisoners.

With the face I tried to go for an effect of carelessly applied greasepaint. I am happy with the white base, less so the dark eye make-up.

Like I said above, I am not doing a Joker crew next. Instead, I am planning on a Black Mask crew with a few supplements from what if have fully or partly painted: Riddler; Deadshot; Turk; and Prisoner with Tube.

I have had recent discussions about the game with buddies, and I think I have identified my biggest problem with it; that is that there is such disparity it seems between swarms and low model-count 'elite' crews. The latter suffer as they simply cannot contest enough Objectives without Henchmen. That leads me to wonder if the game would not be more satisfactory if the number of Objectives per player was scaled to game size. Something along the lines of 1 Objective per player per full 150 Reputation would give the elite crews a fairer chance I think, but so far that is purely an intellectual exercise and not yet gamed out or tested.

I am awaiting an order of bases before I can assemble my next batches of BMG minis; they were ordered a few weeks ago and will hopefully arrive in the next two to three weeks. I have now met my 2015 target for painting BMG minis, but I expect to exceed that. I have Black Mask and a Henchman ready to be under-coated, so hopefully, I will make some progress soon on those.

BMG Painting Summary
BMG characters owned: 83 (added 17 more models since the last one was finished - I was able advantage of some good timing for eBay auctions...)
Percentage of owned characters painted: 13.3% (11 models)


  1. Great posting. Wonderfully painted mini with lovely subtle colours and some nice rationale behind where you plan to take this project next. Looking forward to seeing the Black Mask painted (one of my fave baddies).

    1. Thanks Blaxkleric. Looking at the pics, they have washed out the highlights on the orange jumpsuit unfortunately, but I am glad to get another done. :)

  2. One of the things that I found when doing the clowns is that the face paint never quite feels right in that the face doesn't look like a face as you would normally paint it - there's always something vaguely unsatisfying in the way the clowns don't 'come to life' as other models do.

    Personally, I think he looks great.

    I know you're not doing another crew, but one of the things I really like about the Blackgates is that they slot almost seamlessly in to a Joker crew. Just a thought in terms of numbers...

    1. Cheers Kieron. :)

      I should clarify; I am doing Black Mask next, but by default will eventually have a Joker crew I think - i will be painting as much of the range as I can manage of the ensuing years. :)

  3. Very nice mate. I look forward to trying the game with you :) We can always test out these theories and see how they work :)

    1. Cheers mate. I am hoping we can get a game in soon. :)

      With the crews we plan, nothing to test out I reckon, just something that may be applicable if either one of us tries a more 'elite' type crew maybe. :)

  4. He looks good what don't you like about the black eye make-up? I love the idea of a black gate prisoners crew made up of incarcerated super villain henchmen.

    1. Thanks Robert. :)

      I just struggled with the lines and definition, but knew that if I tried to do more I would have messed up that area of the mini.

      That does sound cool - then again, I still hold out hope that Knight Models will make more of the Batman '66 range, so i am trying to imagine painting some up to match that aesthetic! :)

  5. I like him. The thing for me is the pose. I wish the face was more elevated. I agree that the makeup is very different to paint - not like a face at all.

    1. Cheers. :)

      Agreed re: the head down pose - a poor design choice IMHO, and not one that can be corrected without a lot of work and good skill.

  6. Replies
    1. Cheers mate. Clearing the lead backlog was the main thing with this one. :)
