Sunday 25 October 2015

Zomtober 2015 (Week 4)

The final week for me (barring a 'bonus mini' after this post like I managed after Week 4 last year!), and thankfully I have met my original goals for Zomtober - one Zombie per week plus getting related stuff done for Pulp City, Anima Tactics and BMG), and also getting four Tooth & Sword Shambling Zombie minis painted. All in all, I feel this has been my most successful Zomtober on a personal level both in terms of output, and in breadth of ranges tackled.

This week I finished Sharsha 'Fiedegunde' first (over on on my Anima Tactician blog), spurred on by painting Zombies (she isn't Undead, but I used my Zombie flesh recipe for her).

After that I finished my fourth Zombie kid (this year's accidental theme!; this mini is from the Tiny Terrors pack from Studio Miniatures), then I finally managed to complete the painting of the last two of my five Tooth & Sword Shambling Zombies.

With these additions I have managed to paint 11 minis in total so far this month, and with a few days left, there is the chance I may yet manage one or two more.


  1. You sure paint fast and at a high standard, how you combine this with the Pulp City KS still going string is beyond me.
    I like the colourful clothing you give these kid zombies to wear, they look very different that way.

    1. Thanks Wouter. It has certainly been a busy month! :)

  2. Looks great. Well done too for doing the zombtober!

    1. Thanks Lord Siwoc. :)

      On a personal level it has been a very productive month. :)

  3. I love your creepy kid zombies dude! Really nice work and nice output for Zombtober too man.

    1. Thanks very much Bob. :)

      Creepy kids were not the original plan, but a happy accidental theme. :)

  4. Another wonderful eerie brain-eating kid. Hopefully they'll be a group shot of this Undead kindergarten coming soon ;-)

    1. Thanks Blaxkleric. :)

      Group shot is planned for a Hallowe'en round up post of everything I painted this year during Zomtober. :)

  5. Nice work Pulp. Your going to have to open a Day school to house all these shamblers. Always a good feeling when you've succeeded in a project.

    1. Thanks Terry. :)

      After that comment, I need a teacher or school bus driver...

  6. Now you know why primary schools have fences round them...nice work, PC! I did check out Studio Miniatures site after your last post and have a feeling that they may be getting some of my money soon...

    1. Thanks Jez. :)

      This was probably the weakest of the four in my painting, but I am glad to have alerted others to the availability of these living dead tykes. :)

    2. Don't sell yourself short, PC - I like little red riding hoodie, off to Grandma's house for a bowl of steaming brains...
      er...I need to get out more...

  7. Fabulous work on them all dude! Job well done :)

    1. Cheers mate. Chuffed to add a 'little' more to the small horde. :)

      (I must do a horde update pic one day!).

  8. Another creepy crumb-cruncher. Well done, Pulp.

  9. They really are creepy and you've done another cracking job on this tiny terror.

    1. Thanks Michael. :)

      Mission accomplished then! :)

  10. Top job on those!

  11. Your reds are super well done. Lots of natural depth and highlights without a hint of pink.

    Well done on meeting your Zomtober goals. I, in contrast, have failed miserably at the finish line. O well. Here's to Zomtober 2016!
