Saturday 15 April 2017

Shadowblade (SHOC Force)

Shadowblade is the final member of SHOC Force (for now!). Like the rest of the Team the mini is from the Nexus Miniatures range of models. The range was perfect for me in creating a Team visual across a group of minis.

Shadowblade is an Unhuman like her colleagues; in her case her powers allow her to teleport short distances, and give her enhanced stealth capabilities which she allies to formidable combat prowess.

A former assassin for hire, Shadowblade is now trying to build a new life and atone for her past, while supporting the SHOC Force cause and Dr. Omega's Unhuman Manifesto.

I followed the basic template of colours for SHOC Force with Shadowblade, although her costume is the most varied of the bunch. It has been twenty eight months since I first painted Oculus and Razorclaw for SHOC Force, so this has been a pretty long-gestating project. It also means the first finished faction for my 'Super Earth' project - basically the minis I will be using to play-test Supers Unlimited.

More hopefully, I seem to have regained some painting momentum which I hope lasts for a while and gets me back on track with my output goals.


  1. An end to a very enjoyable series of posts PulpCitizen. Great choice in colour scheme and some nice, clean painting too. Marvellous stuff :-)

    1. Thanks mate. :)

      I am pretty happy with how they turned out overall, especially with the two and half year break between start and finish. :)

  2. What a fantastic group, I have really enjoyed this series of posts.

    1. Cheers Michael. :)

      Bit more variation coming up soon. :)

  3. That's a great groupshot! Seeing them all together they look even better.
    As for Shadowblade, lovely job as usual. For some reason she seems a lot smaller than her fellow members, could be her pose though.

    1. Cheers Wouter. :)

      Shadowblade is not the 'tiny one', that is actually Fortune who is about 0.5 to 1 head smaller than some of the others.

  4. Another really nice mini, and I totally concur with the sentiment above that the group looks great together.

    From the shades chosen, to their application; there is something about what you have achieved with the above minis that really draws the eye.

    The dynamic poses of the minis you chose also really works in combination too, where no one mini draws attention away from another.

    Good stuff.

    1. Cheers Tom. :)

      I am happy with how they have come together as a group. :)

  5. Good stuff. The almost uniform look works well for a super team.

    1. Cheers mate. :)

      I thought having one uniformed Team would be fine as I will have at least 3 that are 'non-uniformed'. :)

  6. Nice addition and a great group shot! :)
