Sunday 9 April 2017

Quarter 1 2017 Painting Summary

The first of my 2017 Painting Summaries shows I had a bad couple of months on the hobby front. 'Real life' stuff reared its head and impacted my motivation to paint in particular. So, following a fairly good January, I then didn't paint anything for pretty much two months, and have only just started to get back on track.

I painted Feartigo and Grimm Lee Chan from Pulp City (click for link to my blog for Pulp City), and Green Goblin, Goblin Knight and the Goblin Minions from the now-defunct Spider-man Miniatures Game.

On a more positive note, I am hoping the fallow period is behind me as in the past 3 weeks or so I have painted 5 minis (some still to be shown). In addition, while I felt unmotivated to paint during those eight weeks, I did find enough impetus to pull together a rules draft for a skirmish minis game, and work on stuff for another two games while I was at it.

Painted in Q1 (-9 from Q1 2016)
Pulp City: 2 minis
SMG: 5 minis


  1. Although perhaps not as much as you liked the quality was top notch.

    1. Cheers Michael. :)

      I am happy with what I did manage to paint, so there is that. :)

  2. Quality of each of your mini is fantastic!

  3. Great job on the figures you have done so far as always dude. I am being a bit lax myself. Lets hope Q2 is a better one!

    1. Cheers mate - hopefully better for both of us all around. :)

      I am hoping to get somewhat caught up this month and next to help my annual total get back on track. :)

  4. What you lacked in quantity, you more than made up for in quality.

    Also, it's good to hear that things are on the up and up. :0).

    1. Cheers Tom. :)

      Things are progressing, and some decisions I made about RL stuff are leaving me feel less affected which is a good thing.
