Sunday 2 April 2017


Granite is my first painted non-Pulp City, non-Knight Models Super in almost two and half years - certainly long overdue!

Doing the recent writing on Supers Unlimited triggered me to start work on a bunch of unpainted Supers minis which have been sitting around for years, and hopefully means I can start to get back on track with painting in general after a barren couple of months.

The mini is actually called Rocco and was part of the defunct ComfyChairGames line (makers of Spinespur, who created two Supers minis including Rocco/Granite). Unfortunately the mini has not been picked up by another manufacturer yet (unlike its companion piece John Henry which is now with Rebel Minis).

In my mind, Granite is an Unhuman, living on the same Earth as the members of SHOC Force, Heroes like Targeteer and Villains such as Lady Tiger. I see him as a reluctant Hero and sometime viewed as a Villain by the public at large, and a member of the powerful Elemental Four along with Aquamarina, Airstriker and Firelight. The Elemental Four follow their own path, protecting and preserving the planet even as doing so brings them into conflict with other Teams of super humans.


  1. What a cool looking mini. I hope he resurfaces again someday. Nice colour scheme as well dude.

    1. Cheers mate. I changed my mind on his costume just before getting to those bits and I am glad with the final outcome. :)

      I do hope it gets re-released somewhere.

  2. I could have really done with him as a not-Thing a few years ago. Never mind.

    He looks great!

    1. Thanks Kieron. :)

      The Comfy Supers 'range' was never well-advertised/publicised as far as I know.

  3. Great job, I love the highlights on the 'skin'.

  4. Wonderful stuff PulpCitizen. He looks awesome, and one I'd certainly like to paint.

    1. Cheers mate. I hope someone picks him up and puts him back into production. :)

  5. A very suitable "earth" elemental PC

  6. Both his bodysuit and skin are looking fantastic!
    Perhaps you can pick him up, get the license, for your Heroes Unlimited project?

    1. Thanks for the kind words Wouter. :)

      I think me acquiring the mini's production rights is pretty unlikely for a few reasons, but if SU is sufficiently successful it could be something I look at.

  7. Oops, sorry:
    Supers Unlimited

  8. very nice figure and nice paint job - it's always good to get the painting balance back into the hobby.

    1. Cheers JamieM. :)

      I am happy to be back into painting. :)

  9. Really nice paint job there. It must have taken you an age!

    1. Cheers Tom. Surprisingly no, it was (for me!)
      a very quick turnaround which is the exception and not the norm. :)

    2. Well, if that was done with any kind of speedy turnaround, that only makes it more impressive!

    3. Considering how I am typically such a slow painter, m,ore than you may realise Tom. :)

    4. Lol. Right there with you. Typically I take about two hours on a table-standard, rank and file mini..

      I won't be raising an army anytime soon. ;0).

    5. Lot longer for me - snail's pace is my painting speed. :)

  10. Nice work ... and two-and-a-half-years you say? Wow that is a long time of 'non-diversity' in projects. Not that I noticed to be honest as I like the work you do with your favourite subject matters anyway :)

    1. Thanks. :)

      I have always been a bit of a gadfly, moving from project to project, and returning to dormant projects a few years after starting them.

      Part of the problem is committing myself to painting 5 or so compete ranges when I am such a slow painter.
