Thursday 7 May 2015

War of Wonders miniature game - Superheroes fighting in WWII (Kickstarter)

I am planning to scale back the Kickstarter projects I back this year, but as this is supers-themed, it is hard for me to pass up. A modest goal with a chance of making it, so I am in. I will probably only back for the 'metahumans' and not bother with the squads. They should also have remembered that 'superheroes' is trademarked, so hopefully that won't hurt them.


  1. Damn you pulpcitizen, I also was trying to turn my back on KS... and then you post this!?! I'm in too... grumble moan ;-)

    1. Sorry! :)

      Please accept my humblest apologies. :)

      I will go to my hobby room and think about the consequences of my actions! :)

  2. I have already backed it, just for one mini. I like the supers but am a bit non-fussed by the soldiers. Other companies make soldiers.

    1. Which mini mate? Flag?

      Totally agreed re: soldier - better/cheaper/other options available. :)

    2. Not bothered which one. Both nice.

  3. There are some nice concepts there . Quite like Rose

    1. There are a few concepts I quite like too. :)

      The two basic squads don't appeal at all, but some of the 'weird' squads as SG's appeal, but honestly, I think I will only back for the metahumans, and even then, if a lot are unlocked I will only pick up a few. :)
